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Observations from the Field
​& Associated Video Media

​We don't claim to be wildlife film-makers, but we have started to produce a series of simple, short, fun yet informative videos; aimed at promoting environmental education, sharing some of our unusual and new observations from the field, as well as capturing the noteworthy outreach events and moments at Kanahau.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest videos!

Interested in joining a Kanahau research project? Check out this short promotional video concerning our activities in 2017. The biodiversity of Utila makes for fascinating research projects suitable for students and professional biologists alike. If you like what you see, consider contacting a member of our team to see how you can become involved!

In 2018, we were passed information regarding an injured Common Black Hawk. Upon rescuing the individual, it was identified the bird had a internal break/fracture of the wing metacarpus.  We proceeded to care for the hawk until its bandaged wing began to heal (43 days in total).  In this time, we developed a respect for this magnificent bird. It was an honor to help return it to its home with a second chance of survival!!  

For the Utila Carnival 2018, Kanahau led the creation of a mobile “Recycling Swamper” float (with the support of WSORC, BICA and Think Beyond Plastic).  Our mission was to raise awareness with regards to plastic pollution and highlight the many issues affecting biodiversity on the island, through promoting the Swamper as a flagship species for conservation. The project was funded in part by both International Iguana Foundation (IIF), and the Crowder-Messersmith Conservation Fund (ANS)

In 2018, we encountered three nesting females of Brown Basilisk Lizard (Basciliscus vittatus) in the Kanahau garden. This prime opportunity allowed us to observe and document the nesting cycle of this lizard. Here, we show some brief camera trap footage of one female excavating a nest site; specifically using her head to excavate the nest cavity. The video is referenced in a SAURIA journal publication detailing reproduction in B. vittatus  - Access here!

We love Platystomatidae!  Signal flies are a distinctive family of flies (Diptera) in the superfamily Tephritoidea; renown for their often bizarre morphology and behaviour. Common throughout the neo-tropics, you can often observe males and females of this family performing various dance routines while competing for mates!  

Here we present the first video records of a juvenile Ctenosaura bakeri (Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana) predating on a nest of Stingless Bees (Meliponini). While C. bakeri is known to be herbivorous, insectivorous and occasionally predatory in nature, it is rare that such behaviour is observed or ever filmed. The observation was published in the journal Herpetological Review - Access here!

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©2021 by Kanahau Wildlife Conservation. Website by Wix

Registered NGO. Isla de Utila, Honduras

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